Health Screening

Yearly health screenings are widely recommended to ensure your body is healthy and disease free. Most people ignore this, especially as they age, putting them at risk of lifestyle diseases or even cancer. However, if done right and early, you can see the signs and take preventive action.

To ensure you spot the signs early, Mediglobe has partners around the world offering a wide range of screening services. That way, no matter where you are on holiday, you can squeeze in a quick check up and take the right steps to a healthier you.

Basic/Comprehensive Check-ups

Consisting of several laboratory tests and physical examinations these types of check-ups are the best way to get an overall picture of your health. Such check-ups are recommended on a yearly basis, especially for people over 30 to detect diseases such as cholesterol and blood pressure, and ensure optimal functioning of the organs and hormonal levels. 

Cancer Screening

Cancer screening tests are focused on detecting a variety of cancers early on. Through a series of laboratory tests, doctors can identify the signs and markers of cancer, giving patients a chance to combat this deadly disease early. This is generally recommended for everyone, but specially for those with a family history of environmental exposure to carcinogens.

Pre-Marital Screening

This is a novel new screening tool designed to help to-be couples make more informed decisions about their family and future. Blood tests can help ensure the couple is healthy and safe, and some screenings can also include genetic testing to detect risks for future children.

Women's Health Screenings

These screenings are targeted to diseases that are more common in women, and should ideally be done at least once a year. Some key tests done include pap smear and HPV (for cervical cancer or abnormalities in the cervix), mammogram and breast self-examination (for breast cancer), and bone density test (for osteoporosis).

Men’s Health Screenings

These screenings are targeted to diseases that are more common in men, and should ideally be done at least once a year. They include Prostate-Specific Antigen (for prostate cancer), testicular exam (for testicular cancer), and Colorectal Cancer Screening (to detect colon and rectal cancer).

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